
Photorejuvenation treatment is a unique procedure, allowing for skin rejuvenation with the help of intense pulsed light source /IPL/, without the need of resignation from the foregoing lifestyle. There are several methods of assessing photodamage to skin. The simplest classification defines common features, characteristic for internal and external ageing of the skin. Group A of photodamage to skin involves pigmented spots, freckles and vascular lesions - erythema and dilated capillaries, resulting from moderate photodamage, but also from diseases, e.g. rosacea. Group B of photodamage are structural changes of dermis and epidermis - wrinkles, enlarged pores, but also changes of skin elasticity, characterised as ruddy complexion with folds. Individual patients may have skin photodamage either of both groups A and B, or belonging to one of them. The classification was made in order to describe the symptoms of skin ageing in a simple manner, as well as to plan a suitable technique of treatment. Photorejuvenation is a dynamic, non-invasive process, involving incoherent, pulsed light of low energy density, for rejuvenation of face, neck and hands. The therapy is a series of 1-5 sessions, performed every 3-6 weeks. It is carried out on the entire face and concerning the prevailing lesions, the skin is irradiated once or twice during a single session.

laser photorejuvenation

Indications for photorejuvenation:

  1. benign vascular lesions:
    - telangiectasias
    - acne rosacea
    - erythema
  2. dyspigmentation:
    - pigmented spots caused by sun exposure
    - freckles
  3. structural changes in epidermis and dermis:
    - wrinkles - not very deep
    - changes in skin elasticity
    - enlarged skin pores.

Histological representation of skin

skin histology

Exemplary effects after treatment: laser photorejuvenation

laser photorejuvenation
laser photorejuvenation
laser photorejuvenation
laser photorejuvenation

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