Regenera Activa

regenera Shorter hair life-time = faster transition to hair loss.
Androgenic hair loss occurs, due to the sensitivity of hair follicles to androgens.
This is the most common cause of hair loss and it occurs in 70% of men and 40% of women, in a certain period of their lives. At men’s, there is a recession of the hairline at the temples(bend) and baldness at the apex. At women’s it usually manifests in the form of scattered thinning at the top of the head.

At men’s situation it often leads to total baldness. Women tend to never get bald. Studies prove, that the main factor, causing androgenetic alopecia is a testosterone and more specifically a testosterone derivative – dihydrotestosterone(DHT). These are male hormones-androgens, which occur with man, but also with woman.

Androgens play an important role in the sexual development of men from birth to adolescence. They regulate the activity of sebaceous glands, apocrine sweat glands and libido. With age, androgens stimulate hair growth on the face, but stop on the temples and the top of the head. This condition has been called the “androgenic paradox”.
The problem of baldness does not bypass the woman, at whom’s an additional factor, affecting the defect- except of the excess of androgens – is the disturbed proportion of female and male sex hormones. Hair loss in women is also promoted by obesity, hypothyroidism and hormonal contraception. Dihydrotestosterone causes hair to gradually weaken (then the hair becomes thinner and weaker – this is the first symptom of baldness), and at the same time, under its influence, significantly shortens the phase of anagen and lengthens telogen(thus the hair grows slower and it is shorter).
In the case of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the important issue is that, it is formed during the transformation of testosterone under the influence of a catalyst, and the enzyme 5α of reductase.
5α reductase occurs in sebaceous glands at the hair follicles.
Dihydrotestosterone causes miniaturization of the hair follicles, which in turn, leads to their shallowing into hair’s thinning.
Shorter hair life time = faster transition into hair loss phase. Men with androgenetic alopecia usually have a higher concentration of 5α of reductase. The highest concentration of 5α of reductase occurs on the scalp.


WHAT ACTIVA REGENERATE ACTUALLY IS? Autologous cell transplantation

regeneraREGENERA ACTIVA is a specially designed system that uses autologous cell transplantation, the use of which covers a number of applications in regenerative medicine. During the single session, where the patient is both, the donor and the recipient of the autologous transplant, we are able to stimulate the place treated, by means of progenitor cells and growth factors obtained from the graft collection site.
This technique is based on clinical studies, showing a high concentration of cells obtained from constant tissues. Through a calibrated mechanical process and filtration, we are able to obtain a high concentration of progenitor cells and other precursor elements, including stem cells.

The REGENERA ACTIVA system was created to obtain a suspension of cells capable of regenerating tissues.

How does the REGENERA ACTIVA treatment look like?

Regenera Activa treatment is extremely simple and usually takes 20-30minutes.

regenera1. At the first stage, the doctor will take a small section of the skin (from one to three biopsies with a diameter of 2.5mm) from the neck area of the hairline. This is the area that, is susceptible to androgenetic alopecia the least. The collection of such a small section of the skin, allows to spontaneous healing of the graft collection site. This is a completely painless process, as the doctor anesthetized the place of the biopsy with lidocaine.

regenera2. In the next stage, the doctor, with the help of special device, extracts from your tissue the progenitor cells, stem cells and growth factors, which have regenerative abilities.

regenera3. The prepared suspension will be applied to the skin of your head, on the basis of mesotherapy to your hair follicles, in order that initiate repair processes.

How often should the treatment be repeated?

The REGENERA ACTIVA treatment is performed only once in a single session. It is not necessary to perform this procedure in series. Regenera Activa treatment can be repeated only after 2-3 years, just to prevent further hair loss and progression of androgenic alopecia.
The treatment can also be performed with patients, after hair transplantation as a complementary treatment (it is a must, to pass 3 months since the transplant at least).
Complying the 5α reductase blockers (finasteride) is not a contraindication for surgery. There is no need to stop taking the drug begore the procedure, and you can continue treatment after theprocedure as well.


Contraindicators for the procedure:

  • infections at the site of skin biopsy and/or skin mesotherapy
  • complying the anticoagulants (eg. Aspirin)
  • severe systemic diseases (cancers, auto-aggressive diseases)
  • taking the immunosuppressive drugs

The Perfect Patient:

  • has a lot of miniturized hair,
  • the hair has a different thickness,
  • hasn’t got inflammations on the scalp,
  • is not under the stress;

Effect of treatmen
