Removal of scars


Connective tissue, created in the healing process, which replaces tissue damaged by injury or disease. The formation of the scar is part of the normal process of wound healing, in which the damaged dermis is replaced by a new, well-vascular, granulation tissue, with numerous first cases arranged accidentally, then in an orderly manner with collagen fibers. The scar arises at the site of injury or other damage to the skin.

Factors affecting the appearance of the scar:

  • length, number of stitches, bleeding, pressure,
  • age (better healing in children),
  • making cuts in lines of minimum tension,
  • the shape of the scar,
  • type of seam,
  • the location of the scar (beard, sternum, upper arm, upper back are areas of increased risk);

Most scars do not require specialized treatment and heal without any intervention. However, there are abnormal, hard, red scars, thickened, far beyond the area of the original shape and size of the wound. They are not only an aesthetic problem, but most of all - healthy. They can cause contractures, cause pain and itching.
Atrophic scars – current lesions in the skin, for example in the course of acne, smallpox


Hypertrophic scars – they do not cross the wound line, they decrease in the extended time.


1) treatment with oppression (4-12 months),
2) surgical techniques:
- excision of the scar and inserting the skin graft in order to obtain a smooth, even scar, cosmetically better than the previous one),
- expanders, i.e. tissue stretchers, through which you can get some excess of healthy skin needed to move in place of the scar.

3) pharmacotherapy
- silicone gel dressings (e.g., Dermatix, Cicaplast)
- onion extracts, allantoin, heparinide (Contractubex, Cepan - should not be used for a fresh post-operative wound,
- steroids: occlusive dressings, triamcinolone injection;

Keloids - always exceed the initial wound line, increase over time, are more common in people with dark complexion. There is no significant histological differentiation between keloid and hypertrophic scar.


  • injection with triamcinolone (especially if it is accompanied by burning and / or pruritus symptoms),
  • occlusive dressings with fluorinated steroids;

There are many ways to remove scars. The effect of treatment is conditioned by many factors such as the type of scar, its size, depth, body part on which it was formed and the period that separates its existence from the beginning of treatment. For a year, when the scar matures, you can try to influence its future appearance.